Success story: Nelly

We should really share Nelly’s story in sign langauge, as this amazing young lady has been deaf since she was a toddler after contracting measles. Nelly’s early life was one of hardship, with her mum being a single parent and living hand to mouth each day. Shunned by most of the community for being a single parent, Nelly’s mum was determined to ensure her daughter was raised with love and positivity. And it was this positivity that saw Nelly work through losing her hearing at a very young age.


With a lack of money to cover doctor’s fees, having something like measles was just seen as a disease to be managed by the family. Nelly’s fever grew and continued longer than most, resulting in one of the more serious side effects of measles, hearing loss. But this disability has never held this inspirational young lady back.


We had the joy of meeting Nelly in 2022, aged 19years old, when we visited Nyamache town. Through her sign language interpreter she was able to tell us more about her life.


Nelly’s mum died when she was 10years old; she went to live with her grandfather but with her deafness and his lack of ability to use sign language, Nelly lived in a world of distance and quiet away from all of the normal elements of a child and teenage life.


In 2019, at the age of 17, Nelly approached Nyamache Life Skills Centre after seeing girls her age, qualifying and setting up hairdressing businesses. Being her mother’s daughter, Nelly drew on her mum’s confidence and determination to ask for help and to break the stigma of deafness within education. Nelly had come to the right place; our wonderful teachers and students immediatley welcomed Nelly to the hairdressing course and whilst not able to use sign language, they would write messages to her and she would write back. Madam Milicent, the teacher in charge of hairdressing, took extra time to write all of the training out and worked after normal hours to help Nelly. To this day, they have the most special bond.


Nelly thrived in the supportive environment of Nyamache Skills Centre. She had what’s described as the ‘quickest hands’ in hairdressing and a passion for learning. She passed her course without any issues and was immediatley employed by a local hair dresser, as she was reknown for being a hard worker, quick learner and a determined young lady.


And Nelly’s story doesn’t end there. Inspired by Nelly’s positivity and energy, her employer also learned sign language to enable better communication between them and to be an interpreter for customers. Their relationship is one of friendship and togtherness, a bond of women uniting in the face of challenges and one of inspiration to others.


Nelly’s determination to be a role model to other deaf children and young people is incredible. She stands and shares her message each year at Nyamache graduation days so that others can see that disability does not prevent progress and that employment with all of the benefits of a regular income can be life changing.


We know Nelly’s mother would be as proud of her as we are.


Success story: Irene


Success story: Paul & Steven