Nyamache: Life Skills Centre

Providing life-changing opportunities

The model

Located in the small village of Nyamache on the outskirts of the vibrant town of Kisii, is our Boo funded Life Skills Centre.

Disconnected from economic hubs like Nairobi, employment opportunities are few and far between, with many travelling kilometres to find work. We wanted to give the younger generation of this energised community an alternative option.

Through key vocational courses, paired with business, agricultural and life skills, these young people no longer needed to look for work but instead set up their own businesses. By taking their futures into their own hands, hundreds of graduates have set up shop in their local area, becoming employers themselves and creating sustainable sources of income for themselves, their families and their local communities.

Our Programs

The Shamba

Sustainability is one of our key missions for all our projects over the next year and our shamba at Nyamache Life Skills Centre is leading the way - food for our students, income for our projects and knowledge for our students.

In the greenhouse, we currently have a bountiful harvest of tomatoes, alongside a field of carrots, cabbages and maize, plus the recent addition of chickens and guinea fowl. From the Shamba, we ensure that the staff and students receive nutritious meals, with the surplus being sold locally to generate an income for the centre.


The graduation ceremony is always a time of such joy and celebration for our students, their families and the whole community. The Life Skills Centre offers so much hope and inspiration to the whole community, that people come from near and far to celebrate the success of this cohort.

These children come from some of the poorest, toughest backgrounds. So to offer them not only the life skills, qualifications and training, but the hope for a better future is so humbling.

Root start-ups

With job opportunities being few and far between, many students after graduation take their skills and set up their own businesses.

From beauty salons to hotel owners, these root start-up businesses are flourishing and providing income for families and new employment opportunities.

Success Stories

  • Irene

    From dressmaking student to successful business woman - Irene has now established an empire of convenience stores.

  • Nelly

    Overcoming adversity and breaking through barriers, Nelly’s story is one of true inspiration!

Become a corporate Sponsor

Want to sponsor one of our courses? For as little as £200 per month, you can cover the cost of a teacher’s wage, provide learning materials and give more young people an opportunity for a different life.