Busire: ECD

Life at busire

Working with Busire

In Kenya, the compulsory school age is 7 years old. This means that in rural areas like Busire, most children below school age are often left to amuse themselves, as families are impoverished and parents work long hours to make ends meet. We wanted to help these children, to ensure they had a safe space to play, learn basic pre-primary skills, and receive a nutritious daily meal.

What does boo do?

  • Provide daily lunches

  • Fund ECD teachers wages

  • Fund cooks wages

Projects with impact

We don’t just support the ECD in Busire school. With any additional funds we raise, we support projects that improve the operation and facilities at the school - so all students can benefit form our involvement.

Back in 2017, we raised enough funds to build a modern kitchen for the whole school to use. This has lightened the load on the cooks, meaning they can more efficiently provide meals for the 1,000+ students and staff everyday.

The stoves in the Busire kitchen operate on wood. Not only is this negatively impacting the working environment of the cooks and unsustainable for the local environment, costs are rapidly increasing. Sustainability for the environment and our projects is at the heart of everything we do. That’s why we want to transition Busire away from timber to gas - which can be done for just £350 per project.

More change to be made