Become a corporate sponsor

Our mission

Help us Make an impact

Our team will work closely with you to help you embrace the challenge and achieve your objectives through the likes of corporate fundraising and staff volunteer days.

Projects you can sponsor

Just £7 can feed a child for a whole month



Our sponsor’s stories

  • Enhanced

    This Poole based IT business has been sponsoring the IT & Business course in our Nyamache Life Skills Centre. Providing much needed computer equipment, WIFI upgrades and so much more…

  • 23 in 23 challenge

    23 in 23 challenge

    23 Dorset & Hampshire businesses came together in 2023 to raise £1,000 for our projects in Kenya. This was the much-needed cash injection we needed to get back to the pre-pandemic level of support.

  • 20-20 challenge

    20 Businesses came together to celebrate 15 years of The Boo Charity, each raising £1,000 each. The funds raised help to fund an additional building at our Nyamache Life Skills Centre.

zero admin charity

Boo has already made a huge impact on the lives of children in Kenya. However, every day, over 2 million children still go without food, clean water and education. We have the power to change lives, through education, empowerment and creating employment opportunities.

Please help us make a difference, one person at a time.