Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy describes how The Boo Charity uses cookies and similar technologies to provide, customise, evaluate, improve, promote and protect our Services.

We use cookies to enhance the experience for visitors to our website. They help you navigate the website efficiently, deliver content relevant to you and perform certain tracking and metrics functions. Cookies are small files placed on your device or held in your browser memory, when you visit our website. The cookies that we use do not store any personal or confidential information about you. Disabling these cookies may prevent you from accessing and using certain parts of this website.

What are cookies?

This website uses cookies. Cookies are files sent by web servers to web browsers and stored by the web browsers. Cookies can improve our visitors’ browsing experience because they help websites remember preferences and understand how our visitors use different features.


By using our website without opting out, you consent to the placement of cookies on your device in accordance with this Cookies Policy. You will have seen a flyover screen to this effect on your first visit to this website; although it will not usually appear on subsequent visits. You may withdraw your consent at any time by declining the cookies request.


After your initial visit to this website, we may change the cookies we use. This Cookies Policy will always allow you to know who is placing cookies, for what purposes and give you the means to disable them so you should check it from time to time.


We use analytics and performance cookies to collect information about how visitors interact with our site. Storing these cookies is how we populate the data in our analytic tool called Squarespace analytics. Information such as unique visitors, page views, basket activity and abandonment actions will be tracked via cookies and held in the analytics tool to help us understand our visitors’ behaviours, and requirements ensuring our site delivers the required features and content



To facilitate you being able to share or Like our content on social media sites like Facebook, TikTok and others, we need to set a cookie. The social media applications use cookies to track your choices and post comments. If you use a social media application, the cookie can track your usage even if you do not interact with it while on our site.

Website Metrics

Cookies in this category allow us to count the number of visitors to our website and to see the user journey they have taken. This helps us to fine tune and improve the way our website works and optimise the site to make the information you want more readily accessible.

Changes to this cookies policy

We keep our cookies policy under regular review. This policy was last updated on 13th May 2024.