Life in Kibera

Situated in the city of Nairobi, Kibera is the world’s 3rd largest slum; home to some of Kenya’s poorest families, life in this 6km square slum is tough.

Life expectancy is just 30 years old. One in 5 children will die before their 5th birthday, as poverty, hunger and diarrhoea related diseases cause premature death. Most children have one or no parents. There is very little access to fresh water or electricity. Families inhabit small tin or mud framed homes, often no more than 8ft square. One long drop toilet has to serve dozens of families and with limited sanitation, no drainage and lack of water, diseases spread quickly.

Many families will take in orphaned relatives, despite not being able to feed themselves or their own children on a daily basis.

That said, Kibera is also a vibrant and determined community. Despite desperate poverty and minimal employment opportunities, there is a determination and focus on breaking the poverty cycle. The people of Kibera want change; they want a healthier, happier and more prosperous future for their children and work hard to support any of the charities that offer help. The heart of Kibera is one of love, support and togetherness.

Parents volunteer at KIMMTA, the Early Childhood Development centre based in the heart of Kibera; supporting education not only for those aged 3-4 years but also, helping those of school age who need a place to do homework each evening. The mud and tin hut homes do not have power supplies and poverty stricken families who have to choose between food or kerosene for lamps, will always choose food. However, with access to KIMMTA children of all ages have access to a safe, light space to complete their studies. Our team works hard, 6 days a week to ensure they are learning and maximising their education. The children are raised to understand that education creates opportunities for them to break free from the poverty cycle and the pressures of life in Kibera.

Ensuring ‘life’ education is also key to the people of Kibera; mentors teach teenagers about puberty, staying away from crime, choosing the right recreational activities, how to say no to sex and drugs, and how to stay safe in a slum that has a notorious crime rate. The community has cleared a space in the middle of Kibera, to create a football pitch. Not a single blade of grass in sight, the red, dusty, gravel ground, provides a wonderful place of sport, teamwork and release from the pressures of slum life. The parents volunteer with training sessions and the children’s faces are a joy to see. They understand the power of physical activity and sports and completely encourage one another.


Football is available to both boys and girls and the whole community flocks to watch the matches on this barren, rocky pitch. The children play in crocs or flip-flops as football boots are a rarity. The Boo charity collects football kits from donations in the UK and shares all donations with the Football Program. The kids are so grateful, excited and equally humbled by such love and generosity from the UK; on a trip in 2022, we saw first-hand just how much the kids value the boot donations and one another. With just 10 pairs of boots to share amongst 11 children, the last 2 boys in the lineup shared the last pair. One took the right boot and wore a flip flop on his left foot, and then gave the left boot to his friend behind him. The pure excitement that those boys had at being able to wear a single boot each was something indescribable; When the boy was asked how he was going to play with just one boot, his reply was simple, ‘one boot is more than no boots. We are so happy to have a boot to play in, it will make us better on the pitch. My friend has to have this happiness too.’

 The children of Kibera ask for nothing; they work hard to break free from their expected legacy of life in Kibera. They show hope, solidarity and determination to support one another to a better life. These children are hungry but hopeful. These children are at risk of disease but lean on one another to break through their expected norms and remain determined to create a future of employment and good health.


Your donation could help more children to eat, to be educated and to look to a healthier future. Please click here to donate. Every penny donated will make a difference to these hungry and desperate children.


Success story: Paul & Steven