Elisha’s Story

The beginnings

Elisha was the guard, come nurse, come cook at our clinic. He was so wonderful with Sarah, just a beautiful human being.

Elisha has been a pinnacle in helping and creating what is Boo today.  When our team visited Kenya, Elisha was our principal guide, organised the entire trip and found the connection to Vision Africa.  The Boo X Vision Africa partnership was born and flourished from there.

Elisha had such a rough deal at the clinic, constantly without pay. He would often have to tactfully try to negotiate his pay. Since it is so easy in Kenya for an employer to just throw the employee out and replace them with the next one, the treatment of staff is just about that of slavery. One day the pay owed to Elisha was of such a significant amount that the Clinic Manager sought to create an argument and threw Elisha out of the compound, and I mean literally. Elisha along with his belongings were turfed out into the road, his small black & white TV smashing on the road.

“The most gentle caring and committed man I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.”

Russell Hicks, Founder of the boo charity

the early 2000s

Sarah & I helped Elisha thereafter and Elisha maintained his involvement with ourselves and Vision Africa throughout. He did the odd job or project for Rev John Packard. Then in 2006, Kenya was submerged into political chaos and riots broke out between tribal gangs, with thousands being displaced and homes burned down after the 2007 presidential elections. At least 150 people died during these events.  During these troubles, Elisha went to Rev John Packard and asked for a little help to resettle some of those who had been displaced. Sure enough, Elisha was given a little money and more than just money. John advised Elisha not to just re-settle but to find ways of creating income and imparted a few ideas. The families Elisha helped started a number of small ventures which have helped them sustain life.  At this time the whole of Kenya was suffering shortages in basic food supplies such as wheat and grain. Elisha, and his wife Vivian, recognised an opportunity to collect sacks of peanuts from the Ugandan border and transport them into Nairobi, where they would increase the price for the effort and make a profit.

Peanut butter business

They did this at a huge effort for a number of months.  During the process Vivian had a great idea, peanuts could be turned into Peanut Butter.  Since Peanut Butter is high in fat, it is a great source of energy and also something that has been a staple part of the middle class Kenyan diet for some time. Elisha and Vivian sought out local suppliers, who could grind the nuts into a paste and once transported home, Vivian could complete the recipe to make Peanut Butter.

This has become a thriving business for Elisha and his family, so much so that they now live in a very respectable house with their three children and two fostered children.  Although this is by no means a ticket to Western wealth, it does create a level of security for Elisha and his family. 

“Elisha and Vivian for me represent the real humans that lie behind each and every one of us”

Russell Hicks, Founder of the boo charity

Elisha’s work with boo

Now, Elisha is the head of our Kenyan operation…. put simply, Boo wouldn’t run without the unwavering efforts of Elisha and Vivian.

Elisha plays a pivotal role in overseeing all five of our Kenyan projects. With unwavering commitment, he ensures the smooth functioning of each initiative, reporting on their progress, and continually scouts for new growth opportunities.

Elisha and Vivian have been with us since the beginning, and we are grateful for their dedication to Boo’s mission. For me, they represent the real humans that lie behind each and every one of us.

In places like Kenya, the human spirit shines through since it’s the only thing that will help them survive. Human touch, connection, interaction and community spirit are all dreadfully lacking in our Western Communities.

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zero admin charity

Boo has already made a huge impact on the lives of children in Kenya. However, every day, over 2 million children still go without food, clean water and education. We have the power to change lives, through education, empowerment and creating employment opportunities.

Please help us make a difference, one person at a time. 
