Thank you for attending our 20th anniversary Boo Ball
Let’s stay in touch
From quarterly newsletters to event invites, we’ll keep you in the loop with everything that’s going on in our Kenya projects and fundraising in the UK.
Sponsor School Lunches
Children who attend our EDCs are some of the poorest in the community. Getting by on the very little they have means many students turn up to school hungry, unable to focus on anything other than their growling bellies. Giving the child the fuel they need to learn is the first step to making real change.
For just £7 per month, you can ensure a child receives nutritious school lunches.
Sponsor An Education
ECD education is the crucial first step for a child to take control of their future. Sadly, the cost of this isn’t covered by the Kenyan Government, so many children go without the basic learning foundations.
For just £16 per month, you can ensure a child receives the education they deserve. This includes a daily nutritious meal, learning materials and covers teaching costs.
Sponsor a project
Our Nyamache Life Skills Centre is 100% funded by The Boo Charity. With your generosity, the young people in this rural area gain vocational skills and have employment opportunities that would otherwise not exist.
For £250 per month, you can cover a teacher’s wage, provide learning materials and create opportunities for a whole cohort of young people.
Just £7 can feed a child for a whole month
Other ways to donate
Corporate Sponsorship
You can also support Boo through your company or business. Our team will work closely with you to help you embrace the challenge and achieve your objectives through the likes of corporate fundraising and staff volunteer days.
Personal Fundraising
The Boo Charity is operates on a low admin cost, so we really appreciate all the support you can give. From your precious time organising events, challenging yourself to raise some funds to shouting about our work in Kenya - we’re incredibly grateful!
Leave a gift in your will
Leaving a donation to us in your will would ensure that the children of Kenya continue to receive the much-needed support. Your gift would be extremely appreciated and would help to continuously improve access to education.